ARM Pension’s executive director arrested after lady accused him of rape

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The Lagos police command has revealed it has detained ARM Pensions’s executive director Abisola Onigbogi, accused of rape by a female employee.

According to the female employee, the director had taken her to a hotel after a team-bonding event instead of her house.

“On the evening of the office party, just like every other staff member at the party I had food & drinks. I had mixed a small amount of Jameson whiskey and coke. This whiskey bottle was opened by a colleague on the table I was seated at with other colleagues.

However, this my close friend/colleague claimed that I mentioned to her that I was tipsy and could not drive. So, she approached Abisola Onigbogi to drop me off since he lived around the same axis as me.

My entire memory was wiped out which was very unusual even for someone who might have drunk excessively which I didn’t and have quite a good alcohol tolerance from precedent. Next thing I know I wake up and realize I am in a room fully undressed. I look around and I realize it was a hotel.


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