Nigerian Catholic reacts to same-sex marriages as approved by Pope Francis

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The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, CBCN, says blessing same-sex marriage is against God’s law.

The Nigerian bishops, who were reacting to the controversy arising from Pope Francis’ directive that Catholic priests can bless same-sex couples, also said blessing same-sex marriage is contrary to the teachings of the Church, the laws of the country and the cultural sensibilities of Nigerians.

ALSO READ: Pope Francis allows priests to bless same-sex marriages

The bishops said this in a statement made available to newsmen on Thursday in Ibadan. The statement was signed by CBCN President and Secretary, and other executives.

The bishops insisted that the teachings of the Catholic Church on marriage remained the same. As such, “those in irregular unions are invited never to lose hope but rather to ask for God’s grace and mercy while remaining open to conversion,” the statement issued on Wednesday said.


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