New minimum wage, salary review is coming — President Tinubu assures Nigerian workers

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President Tinubu has said that his government is working in collaboration with the labour unions to introduce a new national minimum wage for Nigerian workers.

Tinubu in a nationwide broadcast on July 31st, 2023 said workers should know that a salary review is coming.

He said, “In the same vein, we are also working in collaboration with the Labour unions to introduce a new national minimum wage for workers. I want to tell our workers this: your salary review is coming.

ALSO READ: Subsidy: Labour reacts to Tinubu’s broadcast

Once we agree on the new minimum wage & general upward review, we will make budget provisions for it for immediate implementation.

I want to use this opportunity to salute many private employers who have already implemented general salary reviews for employees. Fellow Nigerians, this period may be hard on us & there is no doubt about it that it is tough on us.

But I urge you all to look beyond the present temporary pains & aim at the larger picture.


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