Nigerian man to be deported after spending 12 years in jail for rape

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Lazarus Olleh, a Nigerian based in the Uk, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping a teenager.

According to reports from the UK tabloids, Olleh is also to be deported to Nigeria once the prison sentence is completed. The 38-year-old Nigerian bagged the sentence after he was tried at Hull Crown Court on Wednesday.

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The rape incident was said to have happened on October 29, 2022. On the night of the incident, Olleh was said to have targeted the then 18-year-old lone victim who was reportedly drunk at the time. The victim was returning from a Halloween-themed event when she ran into Olleh.

On sighting the victim, Olleh was said to have approached her. After engaging her in a short conversation, he then led her to his car.

According to Ethan Anderson, a detective constable Olleh sat the victim in the passenger seat and subsequently drove her to a nearby flat where he raped her.


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