World Bank halts fresh loans to Uganda due to anti-LGBTQ legislation

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The World Bank has suspended approval for new public finance projects in Uganda due to the country’s adoption of a highly condemned bill that makes same-sex conduct a criminal offense.

Recall that earlier this year, the Ugandan government enacted a law that criminalizes same-sex relationships, imposing severe punishments, including life imprisonment and death.

ALSO READ: Popular Ugandan church breaks Guinness world record for longest hand-clapping session

In a statement on Tuesday, the World Bank expressed, “Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act goes against the core values of the World Bank Group. We firmly believe that our mission to eliminate poverty on a sustainable planet can only triumph if it encompasses all individuals regardless of their race, gender, or sexuality. This legislation hampers such endeavors. The essence of our global initiatives lies in inclusivity and non-discrimination. Without a thorough assessment of the supplementary actions, Uganda will not receive any further public financing approval from our executive directors.”


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