“God told me to do it” – U.S. pastor who stole $1.3m from church members

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A US-based pastor, Eli Regalado, says it was God who instructed him to steal over $1.3 million from his Christian community in a cryptocurrency scheme.

Eli and his wife, Kaitlyn, are accused of violating Colorado’s anti-fraud, licensing and registration laws after they created and sold their cryptocurrency, known as “INDXcoin,” to Christians in the state.

The couple allegedly told potential investors that the Lord had told them people would become wealthy if they invested, according to a recent press release issued by the state’s division of securities.

However, prosecutors stated that INDXcoin was “practically worthless” in actuality. In a video statement posted on INDXcoin website, Eli admitted that the pair squandered $1.3 million raised through cryptocurrency.

“A few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel the Lord told us to do. We took God at his word and sold a cryptocurrency with no clear exit,” he said.


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