Missing Zamfara journalist Hamisu found dead in a septic tank

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A veteran Nigerian journalist, Hamisu Danjibga has been found dead in a septic tank otherwise known as soak away, three days after his family declared missing in Zamfara.

The Nigeria Union Journalist (NUJ) in a statement on September 21st said Danjibga was reported missing by his family from his residence in Gusau, the state capital.

The correspondent of the Voice of Nigeria was alleged to have been abducted by suspected Kidnappers and his body was later found in a sock away by students of an Islamiyya school after an unpleasant odour was found to come from the backyard of the deceased residence three days later.

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”The discovery of his corpse was as a result of an unpleasant odour observed by Islamiya Children in the evening of Wednesday, September 20, 2023 which drew the attention of their teachers.

After breaking the sock away the body of the slain journalist was confirmed to be that of late Danjibga by his family and neighbours.


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