TB Joshua: We are yet to respond to BBC’s documentary, SCOAN clarifies

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The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) has denied issuing or authorizing any statement regarding the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) documentary release.

The documentary which highlighted allegations of purported maltreatment of some former disciples by the founder of the Church, Prophet TB Joshua was released on Monday, January 8, and published on BBC’s official YouTube page.

The Ikotun based international church gave this clarification in response to an enquiry by our reporter following a trending statement titled “BBC and its ludicrous hatchet job on Prophet TB Joshua” purportedly issued by the Church in response to the documentary.

The article which referred to Journalism as a societal watchdog, noted that fairness, balancing and objectivity in investigation and publishing is required in order to command dignity, honour and respect as the fourth estate of the realm.

It faulted that: “BBC has compromised these lofty principles by descending into fictional narratives and propaganda thus turning itself into a weapon for a hatchet job as gangsters in the gab of journalism with a destructive ulterior motive for personal gains against a perceived enemy.”

However, the church, while responding to the Nation’s inquiries about the article said “the church did not issue or authorize the said statement.

“The Church has its standard means of making any official communication with the public which the Press is familiar with, and any official communication with the public on this or any other issue will be via those means.”


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