How an inexperienced boy bought private jet under Buhari — Sanusi

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Former Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, has said former President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration treated the economy without recourse to experts’ advice.

The former governor of the CBN, who stated this in a video message to Nigerians, said sycophants exploited the system, adding that an “inexperienced boy” owned a jet under the past administration.

According to DailyTrust, he said: “The last 8 years, Nigeria led a false life, the government borrowed from within and without. About N30 trillion was borrowed from the Central Bank.

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Government borrowed to service debts. No country can grow this way. Time will come when one cannot borrow any more. Additionally there will be nothing to pay debts.

They treated the economy the way they wanted & refused to listen to experts. In the last 8 years only sycophancy succeeded.

The sycophants bought dollars at N400 and sold N540. An inexperienced boy who had never worked anywhere owns a private jet.”


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